公司簡介 Company Profile

  關於海城 About Hoi Shing

海城寶石公司於1983年創立, 經營澳寶、首飾批發生意, 致力為世界各地的客人提供高質量的產品。
澳寶包括: 白澳寶、黑澳寶、墨西哥澳寶、圓珠、扁珠、旦面、雕刻等。
首飾包括: 耳環、戒指、吊咀、項鍊、胸針等。
我們親身到澳洲入口原料,在中國自設的廠房加工, 精工鑲作, 價錢合理。
所銷售的產品由設計師精心設計, 款式新穎。

Established in Hong Kong in 1983, Hoi Shing Opal City is a wholesaler specializing in white opal, black opal, fire opal, boulder opal, rough opal, semi-finished opal, opal sculpture, opal jewellery,
including earrings, ring, pendant, and necklace, bracelet and bangle, etc. for worldwide market.
We are sourced directly from the mine in Australia.
With own designer and subsidiary factory in Mainland China, we are capable of producing trendy, high quality and low price opal products to our customer.